SK Secret Society

Yay! You’re here! Ok this one is exciting! Shh, it’s a secret. So we designed a limited edition Barbie Kyst Klip. We haven’t announced it yet and we only made 200 so she’ll be a bit of a collector item and a hott commodity. So here’s your heads up so you can add her FREE to your next order.
Use Code : FREEBKK Thursday at 11am, until they run out <3
Check back often this week. Lot’s of launch fun to come.
Keep it secret & stay kyst!
Xo, Meghan
Oh my gosh this is so fun! And she looks so cute <3
I’m so happy you guys love her as much as I do! <3 One more sleep!!!
Ohmygosh she is gorgeous!!
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the colour scheme!
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